Football - 7th & 8th Grade
We have ONE Northville Mustangs Middle School Football Team that starts in the fall. All students at Meads Mill and Hillside going into 7th & 8th grades are welcome to join. Practices are after school and will begin in the fall when school starts. We look forward to a great season, but to make sure you are ready to go when school begins, the coaches have some reminders for you.
- Make sure you are getting a physical on an MHSAA form (a current physical is one dated AFTER April 15 of the previous school year). NPS has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service, that allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your student. We ask that all parents register their athlete on FinalForms. Visit the Athletics Student and Parent Information page for information and to set up your account and your student's account in Final Forms.
- Make sure you are staying in shape! Get outside and run, bike, swim, jump rope and do some push-ups when you are bored! The more often you are conditioning, the easier it will be to get back into playing shape.
Any questions about the season please email one of the coaches: Coach Timm at [email protected]
Coach Tripp at [email protected]
Coach Rohrhoff at [email protected]