Students » Student Credit Union

Student Credit Union

Hi, Parents! 

The Student-Run Credit Union is a partnership program between your student's school and Community Financial Credit Union, designed to teach kids about the value of saving money through real savings accounts and in-class lessons! It even offers the opportunity for 5th and 8th grade students to help run the school's credit union and learn about working with money (while supervised, of course)! 

Financial education is an important part of everyone's future, and it's best taught early. We've spent the past 30 years growing and refining this program to ensure a solid foundation for our students, and we'd love for you and your young one(s) to take part

How to Join 

Getting started at the Student-Run Credit Union is easy! Head over to to sign your student up for their free savings account. That's it! 

Deposit days for your student's school can be found at the same page or at the link below simply send them to school when it's their day to make a deposit! 


These accounts come with all the same safety features as our other savings accounts, and they cannot be withdrawn from at school. Don't worry, your student's money is protected! Visit to learn more about the Student-Run Credit Union program. 

Who’s Cash?

Cash is the Student-Run Credit Union's mascot!

He's a dragon, so he loves treasure - but everyone knows that you can't get a nice big pile of coins without saving up!